Saturday 12 May 2018

603 - Brief 06 - T-Shirts

To stay in-sync with our building platform AV8 which Ferguson was quite heavily involved in, I decided I would surprise him with a team t-shirt which he can wear on streams and not on promote the AV8 brand in when playing, but his own too. 

I considered how any graphics on the back of the tee would not really get much engagement when he was playing his sets as he will always be facing the audience or camera. 

So we decided all content would be feature on the front
- pushing this I experimented with some graphics on the arm, but when the idea of introducing tags for the sleeves came about, this ideas was quickly left behind.

Tested out some various layouts of the simple content
- features just the AV8 logo and his logotype.

We trialled out different scales of this combo to help us decide which would be most effective yet exposing/legible/visible.

In the end, we went for the more artisanal, smaller centre logo
- It was still at a scale in which the content is clear yet the smaller print resulted in cheaper heat press costs and a more considered aesthetic like that of more artisanal brands.

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