Saturday 12 May 2018

603 - Brief 06 - Motion Graphic 2

Giving me more time to prepare this time, Ferguson notified me that he had been booked to go and play a head-lining act in Germany:

This meant he could use his own visuals for behind the decks which is obviously incredible exposure to a foreign market! 
- For this we ensured we were including his social handles to boost that exposure whilst people watch him play, also using the AV8 logo to open our platform to this new market too!

I made use of similar slides to the last one but toned it down a bit to be more consistent with the underground scene, also including the Ferguson character animation!!
- Was crazy seeing this work at a huge scale in-front of a live audience of over a thousand people!

Final Video:


Clip from the venue:

- 1k plus crowd!

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