Saturday 12 May 2018

603 - Brief 06 - Animated Email Handlers

Off the back of animating the illustration it started developing ideas in my head of how we would create this email handler to boost his first impressions via email but also how this can be applicable as a Facebook Banner too.

I initially put together a composition, consisting of my popular random star/particle effect, this would keep works consistent and relevant to the style I have gone for so far.

- I then began considering how I can really enhance this digital interaction through a rotating logo, to really make the logotype catch eyes. 

- I ensured the logo loop would jump back to the start instead of showing the back of the logotype as the audience would be unable to properly read this and would be just waiting around for it get back to the beginning.

Using variations of the Eurostile typeface I included various contact information so people could quickly interact and get the necessary information off the facebook page almost instantly.

I then realised how for the email handler it was obviously not necessary to have the email address present as they would have this information to receive the email - so I created a more stripped back and concise version with the info pinned to the top corner, thus allowing the logo to sit on the centre stage alongside the animation/illustration.

I wanted to take this further and link back to this whole glitch aesthetic linked with the underground music industries and trendy remixed styles of work nowadays, as previously discussed.

Having the green background would allow me to drop this new glitch effect onto the new composition and then swab out the green background to become transparent in order to let the other content come through behind it whilst still overlaying this glitch effect to the whole frame.

I experimented with the intensity of the glitch used to ensure a more considered view of the rotating logotype.

This was then applied to the section of the email handler / facebook banner, giving only a section of the screen the effect to allow the illustration to play as normal..

Developed this for use on social media too, to promote his new identity and links to his updated socials:

- Obviously squared for insta and mobile compatibility

- I also applied the whole glitch effect to the overall slide -  which did leave it feeling very impactful with the other star background coming straight towards you!

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