Saturday 12 May 2018

603 - Brief 06 - Ferguson Animation

I took the illustration / character and began brain-storming how I would bring this to life to increase its impact-fulness, and boost engagement with his now developed identity which is more relevant to the digitalised shift of the industry.

I think the obvious way of doing this would be through the gun...

I combined my illustration with the early audio wave experiments I carried out for the AV8 motion flyers and thought about how I could pair these up in a cool and interactive way for the audience, attracting the most attention and representing a musical gun firing out nothing but bangers!

This is done through creating an interactive shape layer in After Effects and then assigning a behavioural property to it - in this case it is a .mp3 file with audio frequencies to interpret and effect the movement of the shape. Creating this appearance of the frequencies of the audio wave rippling along with the layers of the song.

I experimented with various possibilities, for example, where the fired line duplicates every 4 beats.

- This would then get to a point where it sprays out like a water gun but I would approach it as a crazy laser / ray gun with the narrative of Ferguson spraying out the fire tunes - bringing a new meaning to the urban term 'Gun Fingers'!


Upon discussing this with Ferguson he loved the concepts but said he would be just as happy with a simple single line coming out of the gun. Again, it doesn't need to be over-complicated as this can be saved and used for other motion flyers and outputs to provide variation and development in the future one he has built his platform that bit more first. So he is being very tactical with how we can begin adding to the brand and content as his engagement goes up, so the more developed content is going out to a larger audience.

I rendered this out to get an idea of how it could work as a facebook banner perhaps?

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