Saturday 12 May 2018

603 - Brief 06 - Stickers

Now I had created his final logotype and illustration to represent his brand for the foreseeable future, we wanted to make sure we weren't completely neglecting the printed realm and potential audience we can engage with that way. 
As we decided against business cards, the most appropriate response was to get a series of stickers printed...

- Stickers are much more effective in the dance music industry as they are a lot more long lasting and eye-catching when left in the right spots
- Ferguson can begin leaving them as a souvenir / tag / reminder at student hot-spots across Leeds and any other Bass/Grime music inspired cities he may visit. This then being most focused towards his primary target audience of 17-25 year old students / young people that love 140bpm dance music. He can really single out this audience by leaving them in the actual clubs DJ booths and toilets, etc, so the right audiences are engaging and interacting with them in the most relevant places. 

- As you can see below I have made use of his universal illustration to begin building recognisability, also including his social media tagline so they can quickly find him online and begin engaging with his more considered and professionally directed content.

- Swabbed relevant colours from the illustration for the text and icon colouring to ensure consistency through colour balance.

- Also provided logotype versions of his logo so he has alternatives or even partner them together so people can start making the link even further


Cars are amazing exposure - as consider how many people will be stuck behind him in traffic on a day-to-day basis and will see his stickers directing them to his brand.

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