Saturday 12 May 2018

603 - Brief 06 - Illustration

After analysing various research into the potential visual styles and approaches I can incorporate into my own illustrations I am ready to begin drawing!

Deliberately using an image with a less serious, funny tone of voice to reflect his out-going and loud personality (taken by peer designer and photographer Ben Cooper).

I also began to consider how I could be influenced by my research and start experimenting with some slightly less-expected and more experimental approaches to the illustration. 

Trying it out as a lone line drawing or by just accentuating the vivid colours on the water gun as the focal point of the piece.

I fed these ideas and outcomes back to Ferguson, but he has seen what I have produced before and wanted a more consistent-in-style, and realistic vectorised character which is easily recognisable to him for use across his socials.

So I stuck to my guns and created the full coloured version which was respective to real life....

He was over the moon with this, and thought the touch of his whispy mustache was hilarious.
- It was clearly him and could now represent him across a variety of medias.

Next step was to see how I could push this in a more interactive motion inspired direction to really boost engagement.

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