Saturday 12 May 2018

603 - Brief 06 - Motion Graphic 1

Ferguson got in touch with me on a Thursday night telling me he's playing his debut set in Brighton the next night - it is in a big-capacity club with various lighting and projection graphics and he asked me if I could quickly put some standard stock footage motion graphics together for him for it. 

Using various previous experiments I have done in the past / done for AV8 I was able to put together a 10 minute long loop of 6 developing scenes for him with his logotype glitching out slightly in the centre.

Main Aims/Moods:
- Quite psychedelic
- Glitchy
- Industrial

- text decodes in 
- each scene transitions in differently - fades, drop-downs, etc
- Anything that feels smooth yet enticing tom compliment his underground sound.

The random star / particles experiment flashing around the logotype

An evolving in-the-clouds scene which cycles through various Hues.
Space-travel one - appears like stars are coming towards you
Dropping neon sparks

Glitchy, duplicating nights sky

Warped dust particles

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