Thursday 10 May 2018

603 - Brief 05 - Cum Over Development

I added the 3 dimensional perspective to my created scene and started to consider how some shadows can actually be present and add to the overall depth.

I began planning how I would fit the various elements into the scene 

- cutting down the full length window to give some wall space for the pictures
- completely removing the bed to make space for the new 3d one.

However it was clear to me, as I started to reflect 
- if there is "rain coming through the open window" it would need be cloudy and grey with raindrops - not a clear starry night!

- Also how I would need to take some detail out of the monkeys ornament so it still fits within the scene at all smaller scale (not overly detailed unlike all the other objects)

So I considered how I could be inspired by other peoples work - cutting a rainy sky from one of Mason Londons artworks and applying it within my window.. 

This looked nice through the textures in the grey but it was clear how the rain drops were too delicate to be used within my piece.

- Using a picture of a fancy bed off the web, I adapted it and applied it to my scene.
- Also considering how the "raindrops" would fall onto the "made bed" (so I flipped the open window) and how the rain would also leave little wet marks on the bed - so I added little textures to represent this.

Ensuring I was keeping everything 3-dimensional and as relative as I could

Next step, was creating each of the elements from the lyrics which I planned to present as picture frames..

- Upset relatives - "parade of sad relations"

- "Funeral mourners"

- A" kingdom come for a kiss on her shoulder"

- Didn't want to over-busy it

"Broken down..."

- found a nice image online of a little toy tow-truck so re-draw this to fit into the scene!

"... and hungry for your love"

- inspired by the content from Mason London's lyric videos I created a few options for pizza boxes with the lyrics written on them - with the famous Italian pizza man present ofcourse!

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