Thursday 10 May 2018

603 - Brief 05 - Finalisation of Buckley Covers

It was now a matter of applying each of the visual representations of the lyrics within the scene, fitting them together as comfortably yet randomly as I could.

- I made the backgrounds of the picture frames blue to represent that depressed and upset mood

- Added a clock 

- Portrayed shadowing on each object

- Added the lyrics to the screen

- Also changed the hair colour of the guy so it was less representative of me - as don't want any of my exes thinking I'm not over them!

I took this final version round the studio to get some feedback off peers of how I could finalise everything and touch-up any last bits:

Everyone was really impressed and intrigued by the concept - and when they actually read the lyrics and made the links themselves it all made sense! 

Final touches included:
- making the shadows a bit more realistic - such as on the pizza box
- a warm glow around the fire
- fitting the clock into the space of the wall better 
- giving the windows more of a texture/translucency 

To finish, I added my grain

Discussion of each element:

"The open window lets the rain in"

"The bed is made"

"Broken down..."

"... and hungry for your love"

"Burning in the corner"

"As their shoes fill up with water"

"Tonight you're on my mind"

"Will I ever see your sweet return?"

"My kingdom come for a kiss on her shoulder"

"Too deaf, too dumb, too blind"

"Funeral mourners"

"A wake of sad relations"

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