Sunday 13 May 2018

603 - Brief 07 - Research Brief

For my research led project for extended practice I'm going to look into the history of skateboarding and I am going to particularly consider how it has grown from a small sub-culture to a now billion dollar consumer culture / industry. 
Being an avid skateboarder myself I can already make the obvious links to how social media has boosted and influenced the popularity and exposure of skateboarding to the general public and youth, and it is intriguing to see how brands such as Nike have evolved over time alongside the practise.

I think one of the main sources of my inspiration for this project began after I'd watched this animated tribute to the history of skateboarding. The collage-style motion graphics are urban and sketchy, reflective of the skateboarder community - yet sharp, hard-hitting and quite satirical - but at the same time is very educational in providing this breakdown of the routes of skateboarding. But this is done in a fun way through the funny tone of voice and script, which makes jokes and refers to other random pin-point events which were taking place alongside the development of the culture (just to provide some context of when all this was happening). 

A Brief History of Skateboarding from antonio vicentini 

Some notes from the video:

- Around the 50s, California surfers were bored of shitty waves & had a lot of extra time to smoke pot - thats when they came up with the idea of surfing on the streets!
- They took a plank of wood with roller blade wheels and the rest is history!
- Noone knows the actual origin or who did it first.. BUT WHO CARES!?
- In 1963, skateboarding got everybody's attention
- It was the birth of many companies and local competitions.

- But this faze quickly died out and by 65-70 it was a very tough time for the skateboarding community - it was not popular and most companies went bankrupt.

- Urethane wheels were then invented in 1972 by Frank Nastworthy and sold by his company, it started to slowly make a comeback
- In 1975, Oceans Festival in California took place, there was a traditional freestyle competition and this was were Zedd Fertine showed the world what skating could be 

- This caused an uproar in the public eye and it was taken from being a hobby to something serious and exciting.
With the likes of Tony Alva, Jay Adams & Stacy Varalta carving the way!

This has made me definitely more intrigued into the past of skateboarding and how it started to grow before social media, and how influential brands got sucked and reborn.

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