Sunday 13 May 2018

603 - Brief 07 - Conclusion of Research / The Brief

My research to this point has provided me with great detail regarding how the skateboard culture originated, began to grow, failed, but then started back up again and expanded from there. 
It has made me consider how it was more of a niche, frowned upon hobby and still is within society now - the only real difference being now is it has a multi-billion dollar on-screen industry supporting it! But this proved to me the basis of the community, looking at how social media will continue to provide us with this immediate contact, 24/7 content and interactive way to communicate with vast audiences directly and the role-models can talk back.

This has allowed for skaters to create their own brands for themselves online - still complying with the cultures big and influential brand names but taking this past them and a step further with round-the-clock video content for kids to get hyped over with their friends. It has created new means of engagement and advertising possibilities which have inflated the industry even further.

Big brands and influencers have obviously pushed use of this platform as the most efficient way of directly engaging their fans, and it is clear how brands like Nike have evolved with this to remain as one of the largest brands on the planet. 

Brief -
Using my research to this point I aim to celebrate the history of Nike Skateboarding whilst continuing to push them into this new realm and style of trendy digital advertising.

Background -
I need to consider all research conducted to this point on Nike SB as a brand and its developing approach to its advertising campaigns, whilst also considering how I can carry this forward and create something new and engaging for the community - inspired by the new glitchy / remixed styles of today, as well as still reflecting on its diverse past.

Target audience -
The current youth of the Skateboarding community, and creatives in general.

Mandatory requirements -
An interactive output - such as a poster, which will blow up and engage audiences through the digital and social realms.

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