Saturday 12 May 2018

603 - Brief 06 - Final Outcomes

The following post contains the collection of all my final outcomes for the Ferguson Project, including the content in-situ:

Final logotype and illustration were used as stickers to physically distribute across Leeds and anywhere else Ferguson gets booked. They are already stuck in clubs across the UK such as Canal Mills in Leeds, Concorde in Brighton, Beaver Works in Leeds, Stealth in Nottingham and LAB11 in Birmingham, as well as many more... 

The t-shirt provides ongoing exposure through the live streams and when playing in clubs:

The email handle features on every email Ferguson sends providing a solid first impression and direction to his social media accounts:

The various motion graphics can be continually used for promotion through his various platforms, for example, via Instagram..

And the artwork is ready for finalisation of the album (on CD's, Digital Release & Limited Edition copies on vinyl):

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