Saturday 12 May 2018

603 - Brief 06 - Album Artwork Initial Ideas & Photoshoot

Looking at my visual research, I have a lot of different ways I can approach the album artwork. 
- Even though Ferguson didn't yet have the name confirmed for the album, we sat down and went through our ideas for it:

Although, the more abstract and grainy/grungy/collage/scanned-in inspired style would have been very fun to experiment with, Ferguson was really set on the whole illustration style and wanted to keep his identity more succinct and relevant/consistent to that. It can still reflect that of underground industry through certain characteristics such as the typeface and grain injected into that, but it was decided that we wanted to project something fresh and unique into the underground bass and grime scene which no-one had done before. This effectively makes Ferguson stand out from the rest of the market and it reflects his loud, playful, vibrant and confident persona, whilst invoking humour and a less-serious approach to the very serious and quite dark/aggressive flow of his favoured genres.

I would have liked to experiment with both but because of time constraints towards the end of the project, I justified how I only had time to complete the drawing.

In terms of the actual content for his first album art, Ferguson already had it all mapped out in his head. 
- He wanted to reference the famous tractor from his youth which inspired his nick-name and childhood playtime.

So we went and visited his step-dads farm in Wakefield to get a little shoot done of him messing around on the tractor! 
- At this point it would have been nice to experiment with both initially considered approaches, scanning in and overlaying the various photographs to see how experimental I could be with the compositions, however he was dead set that I should just draw him on the tractor and we can go from there. Again stressing how he wants quite simplistic and straight-forward, so its hard-hitting and very obvious for the audience.

I commissioned a Photographer to come and take the images for me to ensure top resolution, it would have been nice to experiment with taking them on and then developing out the film but again my time constraints restricted this.

Here are some of the various photos from the shoot:
- experimented with both candid and shots with eye-contact
- with mixed emotions such as candid laughter and then more serious poses too.

Referencing the famous Ferguson rave wave:
(known by his friends and fans to gun finger / rave wave to the crowd, so I wanted to ensure I was including little personal touches like this to better link it back to him as an individual artist and person - also considering how I can develop this into an animated version for online use in the future)

How would I fit the logotype onto this?
- centred?
- in one of the corners? 
- within/part of the shadow?

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