Thursday 10 May 2018

603 - Brief 05 - Cum Over Jeff Buckley Ideas

Background of the song:
- a young man troubled by growing older, finding that his actions represent a perspective he feels that he should have outgrown.
- The sad state of mind from Jeff, became after he’d understood, that his life was full of failed relationships.
- He recognises that he’s been too immature in relationships in general, but when he thinks about her, he realises that she could be the one

I began to look deeply into the lyrics and thought about how I could develop this into a modern day spin on the famous memes.

Considered how I could adapt these satirical memes to the situation in the song - but I did realise how the song is maybe too serious and heart-felt to be making fun of it.

“Bae, come over” - play around with iMessage on a phone or laptop perhaps - Inspired by the Mason London piece: simplistic, yet tells a million stories.

As I picked apart the lyrics, one of my favourite lines was the reference to the famous saying ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’

- Where Jeff suggests how he is “Too deaf, too dumb, too blind to see the damage he has done”
This made me consider the famous 3 monkeys to represent this notion and how I could develop them into the scene somehow?

- Maybe approach it as the emojis on the phone? " see the damage I've done"

- Room scene idea
Thought about how I could represent the lyrics of the song visually through a modern re-creation of the scene?

Man sat on a chair facing the other way
- references to the lyrics surrounding him
- clearly heart-broken and upset
- with the laptop facing the other way could feature a series of text messages directed at his ex.
- but make it more homely, not office-like

Image result for man sat at desk

Visually represent the lyrics:

- "The open window lets the rain in" - can visually represent this

- "As their shoes fill up with water" - mourners crying into their shoes

- "My kingdom come for a kiss upon her shoulder" - Framed photograph of a ladies shoulder

- "Funeral mourners"
- "Parading in a wake of sad relations" - more frames on his wall - pictures of obviously sad relatives

- "Tonight you're on my mind"
- "Will I ever see your sweet return" - iMessages on the Mac?

- "Broken down..." - broken down toy car on the floor - bonnet up smoking?
- "... & hungry for your love" - Takeaway boxes litter the scene

- "Sometimes a man gets carried away" - little men carrying his chair? something out the window?

- "The bed is made"

- "Too deaf, too dumb, too blind" - the 3 monkeys - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

- "Burning in the corner" - bin on fire, or a flamed guitar??

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