Thursday 10 May 2018

603 - Brief 05 - The Clash Initial Drawing

- Using my ideas developed within my initial research for the Clash song, I began drawing from the two main photographs I found
- one of trump hugging the US lag
- one of Kim hugging a nuke (actor from the Interview - obvs)

Considered how I can be inspired by a cartoon and vectorised style

- Made it so both of them are hugging their nukes, trying to show off their dominance and power 
- mocking and daring with eachother in a satirical way.

- Began developing ideas of how I can spruce up this type and make it more relevant - perhaps through a text message bubble or tweet format?

- Also how I can introduce a different wallpaper perhaps?
- reflective of the idea of gold and luxury - reflecting the ironing of certain quotes from the lyrics: "It's true a rich man leads a sad life"

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