Thursday 10 May 2018

603 - Brief 05 - The Clash Development

Again, taking inspiration from Mason London's lyric videos I looked at how I could reflect the iMessage / twitter bubble to represent the two having more of a conversation / arguement about something incredibly petty and immature.

This is very relevant as Trump is an avid twitter user

and it is satirical as they're not actually allowed Twitter in North Korea!

Used Trumps real twitter username for now, and then made Kim a nice funny one 

Listening to my feedback from peers I experimented with how I could use gold as the background and shadowing to exaggerate this irony of luxury and wealth that naturally comes with the 2 leaders 

Alec suggested to me how it was very clear how I needed some sort of icon (adding to the satirical nature) for their 'accounts' ..

Was unsure how to approach this 
- just their countries flags?
- actual photographs of them to create that weird contrast with the vectorised illustration style
- create more stripped back / simplistic versions of them in a vector style so it is consistent yet representative of actual twitter accounts.

Decided to combine ideas and use both their 
countries flags and the stripped vector 
drawings of their faces.

- This drew everything together nicely with the flags on the missiles 

- I also made up a different username for Trump so it isn't as pain-staking obvious - just so I don't get in any trouble!

- Decided the gold background was way too much, the playful baby blue much better reflects the satirical approach to this illustration I think.

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