Sunday 13 May 2018

603 - Brief 07 - Nike Today

Just by looking at current Nike SB campaigns now, you can see how the industry and culture have grown so much - especially now with the development of the digital platform and developed graphic design styles which are so readily available to us through any social screen we may come into contact with.

Take their Lunar One Shot Campaign campaign for example.. 

Nike can now go as far as getting custom skate obstacles built to help carry out their vision in ads - creating skate features that mimic their new Lunar One Shot skate shoe. The modern art-esque skate features they created for the commercial are innovative and progressive just like the design of the Lunar One Shot.

Also commissioning various big name designers to get involved asking them to create a product page that could easier be updated each month to keep online and social content regular and in-sync - this building hype for the drop of each new colour-way. 

Combining video and action photography, they provide editorial inspired layouts with rich content.

With this developing style within the industry you can see how everything from the coverage and content, to the level of production has drastically improved and evolved with the digital design style...








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